A post-apocalyptic world where nature has overtaken a crumbling urban landscape. Skyscrapers are covered in dense greenery, with trees growing through shattered windows and vines hanging from every surface. Streets are cracked, with grass and wildflowers sprouting through the asphalt. Wildlife such as deer and birds roam freely, reclaiming the deserted city. The scene is bathed in soft sunlight breaking through the overgrown structures, creating a hauntingly beautiful yet tranquil atmosphere of renewal and decay.
A post-apocalyptic city overtaken by nature, with skyscrapers covered in lush greenery, trees growing through windows, and vines draping over buildings. Cracked streets are filled with grass and wildflowers, while wildlife roams freely in the once-bustling urban environment. Soft sunlight filters through the overgrown ruins, blending decay with natural beauty.