A cybernetic samurai in a neon-lit metropolis at night, featuring glowing neon signs in vibrant colors of blue, pink, and purple. The samurai has sleek cybernetic armor with intricate designs, glowing implants, and a radiant katana. The rain-slick streets reflect the neon lights, and futuristic skyscrapers tower in the background. The atmosphere is dynamic, blending traditional samurai elements with a high-tech futuristic setting.
A cybernetic samurai in a neon-lit metropolis at night, featuring glowing neon signs, futuristic skyscrapers, and rain-slick streets. The samurai is adorned with advanced cybernetic armor, a glowing katana, and intricate details of cybernetic implants. The atmosphere is dynamic and futuristic, filled with vibrant colors of blues, purples, and pinks.